Susannah Wesley Community Center
125th Anniversary
The Susannah Wesley Community Center (SWCC), a non-profit agency in Kalihi-Palama, has served the community for over 125 years, empowering youth, adults, and families—many of whom are newcomers to Hawai‘i—facing significant social and economic challenges. With a mission to help individuals survive, thrive, and contribute to society, even amidst language barriers and cultural differences, SWCC offers high-quality social services and programs rooted in aloha and respect. Through its comprehensive support, SWCC provides a sense of belonging and hope to those who are lost, hungry, or struggling, fostering self-sufficiency and independence in the heart of the Kalihi-Palama community.
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Susannah Wesley Community Center
1117 Kaili Street, Honolulu Hawaii 96819
Phone: 808 847 1535, Fax: 808 847 0787
A 501c3 nonprofit organization