Youth and Family Programs
Home‐Based Parenting & Family Counseling Program
Home-Based Parenting Program is delivered primarily in the homes of participants or at a location of their choice. The program provides a “best practice” parenting course which includes the opportunity for individual and family counseling, parental guidance, intake assessment, case coordination, management, & outreach. The goal is to help strengthen and develop family relationships between the parent/guardian and child(ren). The course covers topics such as communications & problem-solving skills, chores and homework responsibilities, family conflict resolution, and parent/guardian struggles.
Eligibility Requirements: participants must be TANF-eligible parents of children 6-18 years of age who reside in Kalihi.
For more information, please contact (808) 847-1535.
Truancy Prevention Program
This program aims to connect with youth at risk of becoming truant. We provide a wide range of services to youth and families to stop or prevent the behavior. The target group of middle school‐age students is especially susceptible to engaging in truancy, making preventative measures critical.
For more information, contact (808) 847-1535.
Youth Development & Life Skills Activities
Our Youth Development and Life Skills Activities are culturally appropriate and incorporate the input from community members. The staff provide mentoring, recreation, and life skill education activities. The program aims to strengthen youth’s resistance to gang activity, drugs and school failure through recreational, social development and other activities.
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Youth Center at SWCC provides Kalihi youth with a safe and supervised place to go after school. The free After School Program offers an encouraging environment for homework completion and access to computers as well as art, skill building, and recreational activities. The program is open to youth ages 7-21, Monday through Friday. All youth must be registered to participate in any of the after-school activities and specialized groups.
For more information, please contact (808) 847-1535.