SAVE THE DATE Saturday, September 26, 2015 Immigrant Resource Fair 10 AM to 3 PM at the Susannah Wesley Community Center DACA stands for “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.” DACA is permission from U.S. immigration officials to stay in the U.S. for two years. Susannah Wesley is a part of the hiDACA collaboration, working together […]
Susannah Wesley Receives National Reaccreditation
Susannah Wesley Community Center is proud to announce that we have achieved national reaccreditation through the New York-based Council on Accreditation (COA). Accreditation is the agency’s commitment to quality services, best practices for our organization and client services. Susannah Wesley has been accredited for the last 17 years. Accreditation is a result of a previous […]
Susannah Wesley Community Receives $10,000 Weinberg & Friends Grant
Pictured above are SWCC Board of Directors, Dan Motohiro and Denise Motohiro accepting a $10,000 Weinberg Grant from the Kalakaua Lions Club. The grant funds will be used to support facility repairs to the Center. AUGUST 22, 2015 – Honolulu, HI – The Susannah Wesley Community Center received a $10,000 grant from the Kalakaua Lions […]
Seeking Summer VISTA Workers
Susannah Wesley Community Center is looking for four (4) Summer Associates through VISTA to help with our summer enrichment program. To see which positions are currently posted on the recruitment site, you can search the site by going to: This is a full time 8 week commitment from June 8-August 3, 2015. This is […]
Kalihi Palama Juvenile Assessment Center Opens
Susannah Wesley Community Center (SWCC)’s Kalihi Palama Juvenile Assessment Center (KPJAC) began accepting referrals from the Honolulu Police Department as of Monday, March 16, 2015. The KPJAC is a part of Ho‘opono Mamo Citation Process, a new juvenile justice diversion program that focuses on a culturally appropriate approach to working with youth and families. The […]
The Junior League of Honolulu Awards Community Investment Fund
Mahalo to the Junior League of Honolulu for awarding Susannah Wesley with a $5,000 Community Investment Fund grant. This generous grant award will support SWCC’s Human Trafficking Program to help cover the costs for victims transitioning out of human trafficking. This includes personal care items, clothing, transportation costs, securing vital documents, meal costs and medications. […]
Na Lei Aloha Foundation Awards $25,000 Grant
We are excited to announce that the Na Lei Aloha Foundation has awarded Susannah Wesley with a $25,000 grant to provide much needed enrichment activities and services for our Youth Service Center. Our Youth Programs encourage resiliency in youth and build upon individual and collective strengths that support their healthy transitions to adulthood. Our Youth Programs such as […]
Seeking Volunteer Basketball Coaches
Seeking 3 adult volunteer basketball coaches or assistant coaches to serve as mentors to youth 11-18 years of age for SWCC’s Late Night Basketball Program that runs from March to July 2015. Volunteers needed for after school hours (minimum 3-5 hours/week) and during games (1-2 evenings/week in June and July). Desirable qualifications: previous basketball coaching experience; […]
Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2014
2013 – 2014 marks the 115th year that Susie has been in existence. We are proud of our tradition of working with the most forgotten and neglected, those that fall between the cracks of traditional human services, alienated and often unable to access mainstream services. Please view a copy of our Annual Report for fiscal year 2014.